Clinical & Externship Sites Wanted
Are you in charge of a nursing home or a medical or dental center?
Would you be interested in having our students intern at your facility?
If yes, kindly contact us. Call the Externship Director at 410-419-9833.
Due to our expanding programs, Stein Academy is constantly in need of externship/clinical sites to place our students.
Some of What We Plan to Offer You:
1. A steady pool of highly motivated students who will each commit up to 160 hours of practical training and service at no cost to you.
2. Students who have completed a rigorous curriculum approved by the State of Maryland Higher Education Commission, and geared towards National Certification, and who are committed to obtaining their national certification upon completion of their externship, and the Medical Assistant program.
What We Ask of You:
3. The use of your facility for such externship learning opportunity.
4. A reasonable commitment, long enough to accommodate our students.
5. A supportive environment that will be mutually beneficial to you, our students, and our school.
For Your Information:
(1) All of our externship students who come to you have undergone police background check, drug screening test and CPR training and have submitted proof and/or waivers of having had the following immunizations: MMR, Tetanus, and Hepatitis B.
(2) Stein Academy carries liability insurance that will cover the student during his/her externship.